Bernd Juhre, ehemaliger AlphaReading-Seminar-Teilnehmer schickte mir folgendes E-Mail:
»Ich bin im TIME-Magazin auf einen Artikel über eine Schnell-Leserin gestoßen, den ich Euch nicht vorenthalten möchte:
"Without the web, Harriet Klausner would be just an ordinary human being with an extraordinary talent. Instead she is one of the world's most prolific and influential book reviewers. At 54, Klausner, a former librarian from Georgia, has posted more book reviews on than any other user—12,896, as of this writing, almost twice as many as her nearest competitor. That's a book a day for 35 years... more ..."«
Heute sind es bis zu 6 Bücher am Tag, nicht überflogen, sondern eben schnell gelesen. Am 24.2.2007 meldet Amazon 13313 Buchbesprechungen, was Harriet Klausner zur reichhaltigsten und einflussreichsten Rezensentin macht.
»I was an acquisitions librarian in Pennsylvania and wrote a monthly review column of recommended reads. I found I liked reviewing and went on to freelance after my son was born.
I am a speed reader (a gift I was born with) and read two books a day. It's incomprehensible to me that most people read only one book a week," she says. "I don't understand how anyone can read that slow."
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